
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:52:17
1648是哪4个数的平方和,4数和为80. 等差数列 1.d=-3分之1 a7=8 求a1 2.a1=12 a6=27 求d When I am sad o_____when I need to talk to somebady.完型填空 Women are suggested to _____ smoking when pregnant.A:give in B:give away C:give off D:give up 单选题 Where are you when I was sad when are you going to stop (smoking/to smoke) 等差数列{an}中已知d=-1/2,a7=10,a1=? 等差数列{an}中,a1+a2+a7+a8=10,则a3+a6=多少 土地革命对解放战争产生哪些影响 tina,in,the,library,borrowing,book,is.连词成句 I spent eighty yuan on these books.(保持原意) Tina is going to borrow a book in the library this连接上一题,afternoon.划线部分是 borrow a book in the library. The book is not in the library.处填什么:A.that I need it B.I need it C.which I need it D.I need 句型转换 It is a book.(改为否定句) a book. 介绍几本记述抗日,解放战争时期的书真实记述的,不是小说的 怎么用智能ABC打出特殊符号?有知道的大虾请告诉我好吗? 推荐几本非中共官方写的或按其意思写的、比较客观详实的介绍解放战争的和抗日战争的史实书籍还有辛亥革命的、民国军阀内战的、国共十年内战的,这一类讲近代国内史实的都要,要客观 It is his book.改为否定句. "常数列一定有极限", 常数列一定是无穷数列吗快 常数列极限如果常数列An=0 那么这个数列有极限么? My mother got reaiiy angry when I (f )to clean my room 常数列的极限就是本身怎么理解?极限我的理解就是无限趋近,但是趋近就应该取不到啊~为什么极限可以是本身啊? the book is on the table是对的吗? 常数列是怎么定义的如题 _____ ____ the book? The book is on the table. 常值数列有极限吗据说数列1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1……是发散的那么常数数列呢? 当我忘记打扫我的房间时,我妈妈很生气.My mom really ( ) ( )when i forgot to clean my room I forgot my pen at the moment and left it in my room.这句话怎么翻译? my sister is a student的同义句 I’m too busy_______(write)to my parents often ()is a student.()sister is a student too. They are often too busy or too tired to c ___ dinner for the family.