
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 22:30:13
英语初一·用适当的介词填空1`My birthday is ____ Dec.1st. 2`I usually read English____the morning. 3`They often go to a movie ____Sundays. 4` Tommy does his homework______seven o'clock. 5`Sally likes bread and milk_____b 初一介词填空My name is Li Gang.I live in guangzhou(1) ________ my parents.I am(2) ________Grade Seven(3) ________ No.5 Middle School.(5) ________ the middle is my best friend,Zhao Zhen.He is(6) ________glasses.He is keen ________ football and h 读音是元音开头的英语单词an+单词的 英语单词元音 请大家帮我写一个化学反应式.要求:这个反应式既不是化合反应,也不是氧化反应.2 英语:根据汉语意思完成句子,词数不限.我并不反对这个演员,但是他演的这个人物太坏了.i have( )the actor,but 写颜色的英语单词有哪些是元音红,黄,绿,蓝,黑,白,颜色.这些单词中那些是元音的,是哪个元音字母? 1.we 'll play a ____ a team from NO.3 Mid-School.(按首字母提示填空)2.I r____ only the teacher can help me with my English..(按首字母提示填空)3.我不喜欢那些歌词唱不清楚的歌手 I don't like singer_____ _____sing the wo 含有四个元音 英语单词跪求 我要3个好的我再加100! 几个关于英语的问题...除了周六和周日我们每天都上学.(英语翻译besides)总结:besides:_____(用法)except:_______(用法)你觉得它怎么样?(英语翻译)let's_____... 带元音 /e/的英语单词3个 一些初一的英语题(介词或副词填空)1 Go upstairs____the second floor.2 Please follow the direction _____ the pop music.3 The shop is far away ____ the park.4 Eating too much is bad____ your health.5 Help yourself _____ some fish.6 He st 美国的综艺节目 练听力求美国的综艺节目!练听力比较好的!呃 big bang,friends什么的 也看 但是希望看语速快一点的即兴一点的. 初一英语小短文现在进行时(80)要稍微简短一点,还要背呢!THANK YOU! 锻炼英语听力?听什么好?基础不是很好 *怎样锻炼英语听力?昨天听力没考好,不爽. 锻炼六级英语听力,是听VOA(英国)还是BBS(美国) 谁给我20个带oo长元音的单词,还有20个带oo短元音的单词 发元音/u/的英语单词. 英语单词怎么知道元音字母是该读成"长元音"还是"短元音"? 新概念英语第二册lesson22后练习中填空题(填介词)的题目注意, 新概念英语第二册Lesson94的练习中的介词填空,新概念英语第二册Lesson94的练习中的介词填空,准确!限今天明天上午 英语单词advice和suggest的语法区别 用适当的介词填空 新概念英语 英语翻译介词填空1.Please write your name ________ the top of the paper.适当形式填空1.My mother says she ________ (go) to the butcher's yesterday.2.How long ______ you _______ (live) in Shanghai?翻译1.告诉苏珊在客厅等我.2.我 Have you ever imagined what our houses will be _____ in the future 我想要背英语单词和句子的既简易又牢固的好方法、而且我很懒、再说英语的怎么读我也不会、总是会了就忘、求英语好的人们帮咱吧、小学我英语课也没听过、所以什么疑问句啊、什么音 初三介词练习1.Look!The plane is flying _____ the bridge.2.The teachers are all strict _____ us._____ our duty.3.What's time _____ your watch,please?4.His room is _____ the twelfth floor.Let's go up ____ lift.5.Yesterday we kept working ____ the 初中英语介词填空He did not go to school because ---------illness. 初中英语介词的填空1、nothing can keep me _____ coming ____school;2、he aplolgized ____the teacher ______his being late ____school in the morning;3、please shut the door ___you;4、I patted him ____the shoulder;5、he thought ___going to G 初中英语填空 介词类的选词填空:cross;across;through;over;pass;past1 The car ----- by with a thick smoke behind just now.2 The boss walked ----- me without saying a word at half -----one.I don’t know why.3The sunlight is shi 谁能帮我做一些初中英语的介词填空(共39个),1.Last Saturday I was busy ______ my homework .2.My teacher was very angry ______ me because I was late ______ school again.3.Kathy prefers a hula hoop ______ a book.4.I will invite some 介词填空:—— What way did you solve the problem?