
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:01:09
"give sb.a If you miss me,please give me a big hug.((HYN希望你能看到)) u're not home 'til give me a hug u're not home 'til give me a Break up,can you give me a Even if the world upside down,I will give you a hug 12题 12~25题 作文大全350字的《我》怎么写 一道有挑战性的数学难题已知 a+lg(a)=10,b+10^b=10,求a+b答案据说是10 ,不只为什么 数学超级难题1(高手的挑战!)在平面直角坐标系中,以点M(2,2)为圆心,以OM长为半径画圆交X轴于点A、交Y轴于B点.(1) 求圆M的半径长和直线AB的解析式.(2)点C为线段OA上一点,过C点作CD垂直O 一道数学难题!难题!难题!有信心的来挑战一下!a=(√5 -1)/2,那么,(a^5+a^4-2a^3-a^2-a+2)/a^3-a=____________注:√5 -1里,√5是一个数,1是一个数 什么的奇迹,填形容词,写作文急用只需两个字的答案 怎么样地写作文 ()中填形容词 求英语写作文用的形容词如important这些口语变成significant书面语 就是看起来比较有文采的越多越好 高二水平 先谢谢了exceedingly excessively extremely 这三个词可以当very用吗? beautiful wonderful bad 怎样在电脑上打出英语音标 谁能告诉我在电脑上如何打出英语的音标? I not sure student who are interested in Chinese are more likely to shoew interest in English这句不是形容性宾语吗为什么不选that而选whether “计算机” 用英语怎么说?音标? with the development of China's economy,foreign investors_______more and more interested in ChinaA.becomeB.have becomeC.will becomeD.are becoming More and more foreign ------are interested in Nunning city.怎么填? 怎样打出英语的音标? She only watches they on TV.哪里有错 only,TV,she,watches,sports,on怎么排列成一句话,only放在哪儿 萃取在花色素提取中是否有应用 连词成句:1.watches,only,she,volleyball,TV,on(.) 2.go,same,we,to,school,the(.) He only watches them on TV(对on TV提问) No,she only _____ them on TV. 怎样从玫瑰花中提取色素用柠檬酸和蒸馏水制作 英语语法题(9)Although the town had been attacked by the storm several times,____was done.A.little damage B.a little damageC.few damages D.a few damages答案加思路,3Q 九年英语语法问题不会用音标,怎么区分英语的原辅音啊,冠词总不会用啊. 九上英语语法问题Suzy is helping us clean the house.中的 us 作什么成分.间宾还是直宾,为什么.就是不知为什么。 英语语法题 第九单元1 1 分 保存 Oil is in great _____ in the U.S.request require desire demand 2 1 分 保存 Thomas bought a new bike to ____ the one he lost last week.fetch earn hurt replace 3 1 分 保存 By the end of last year,the Ori