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英语翻译 Japanese General Staff是什么? T^T英语第2T ask sb to do sth是否=tell sb to do sth和make sb (to) do sth(并解释) 用“理所当然”写句子. 没有一种给予是理所当然的 句子赏析土地失去水分滋润会变成沙漠,人心没有感激 字样会变得荒芜.不知感恩的人,注定是个冷漠自私的人;不知 关爱别人,纵使给他阳光,日后也不会放射出自 用分文未取、理所当然、风靡全球、当之无愧.个造一个句子. 几道英语选择T1______left before the deadline,it doesn`t seem likely that John will finish the job.A.Though such a short timeB.With such a short timeC.Because such a short timeD.As such a short time2I don`t enjoy_____when people talk with their 一个英语选择TWould you be here this evening?Yes,I ___A shall B will C would D should 英语多项选择T,如下:In 1837 the University of Michigan became the first state university___by a board of regents elected by the voters of the state.A.under the controlB.being be controlled请附说明. 英语选择T一个do you still remember the name of zhe factory ___ we visited last month?A.where B.what C.which D.when 哪个 为什么 清楚点 一个英语选择T 要说明原因高一英语定语从句练习1_英语题库作者:佚名 来源:不详 发布时间:2007-10-26 11:29:33 发布人:lsy1chj2wdh31.This is the train ____ we went to which that C.whose D.wher 英语B.什么意思?P.呢?T.呢? 自行车的英语,还有 b()s.b()t At this time of year, Lucy would pull these weeds b the roots in her garden.填空At this time of year, Lucy would pull these weeds b the roots in her garden.A in B on C at D out这个题的答案是什么 怎么做 在线等 n()t()b()()k 英文和中文 用什么精美的词语介绍好一件衣服 为什么9成的女人比男人长命 用where提问地点时,什么时候在句尾加介词 从0,1,2.9十个数任意取出三个数,三个数包括0但不包括5,求概率 我们可以很容易地看清别人,而很难甚至无法真正看清自己,进而摆不清楚自己的位置和态度,无论是刚入社会的职场新人,还是已打拼了十几二十几年的老鸟.看清自己,才能更好地掌握自己的情 1.It ( )again A.rains b.raining rains rains 2.There()get much sunshine a.don'tb.doesn't c.also rains 3.We don't want you to() a.go away b.goes away c.going away d.away 为什么猫要吃老鼠?如题 闪闪发光的意思 闪闪发光的意思是什么? 你回家了吗?说说你的幸福感吧!温馨是形容家的!幸福是形容人的!说说回家的幸福感!内容不限、但不少于七百字! 用一张长25厘米,宽18厘米的长方形纸围成一个圆柱.这个圆柱的底面周长是()厘米,高是()厘米.还可以围成一个底面周长是()厘米,高是()厘米的圆柱,这个圆柱的侧面积是()平方厘米 一张长25.12分米,宽3.4分米的长方形纸,围成一个无底的圆柱,有()种围法.其中当围成的圆柱的高是()时体积最小。 请问一句介词的使用?语法上讲,Which is the biggest city of the world?是错的,而 Which is the biggest city in the world?才对.请问达人,介词of 和in 在这里都可以理解成推前面名词city的补充解释,为什么一定要 这句话的介词用的对吗?In addition to the factors above,there are still more which bring hardship for graduates to find jobs.是bring...for or bring graduates to find jobs There's going to be more committee work.I mean,more policy work.请问这句该怎么翻译,还有committee和policy在此该怎么解释, 这句话用哪个介词?I have a preference in/for/to playing football.哪个介词正确阿?谢谢