Scientists have learnt a grate deal about the kinds of food people need.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:38:26
Scientists have learnt a grate deal about the kinds of food people need.

Scientists have learnt a grate deal about the kinds of food people need.
Scientists have learnt a grate deal about the kinds of food people need.

Scientists have learnt a grate deal about the kinds of food people need.
deal n. 许多

a great deal 许多, 大量(代替不可名,可作宾语)
The place changed a great deal and was almost unrecognisable.

a great deal of+不可名, 许多/大量.
They absorbed a great deal of the Roman culture.

句意: 科学家已经了解了关于人们所需要的食物种类的大量情况.


a great deal of修饰不可数名词表示大量,希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。